Inside the station you'll find an electrical switch on the eastern wall. Grognak the Barbarian (from the table) and sleep on a bed. But in the shack just to the north, you can pick up a copy of You won't find much at the drive-in other than a bunch of derelict cars. Inside the truck you'll find some meds and a safe. You'll come across an abandoned truck next to the destroyed bridge here. In a nearby truck you can also loot a pair of ammunition boxes and sleep on a bed.

Journal of Internal Medicine (on the floor), and a copy ofĬaptive that you can rescue. In the western shack you'll find a first aid box, an ammunition box, a bed, a copy of theĭ.C. In the eastern shack you'll find three ammunition boxes, a bed, and a copy of You'll encounter several super-mutants guarding the two shacks here. Inside the power station you'll find a workbench, a terminal / safe combination, and a copy of Mini Nukes (on a target at the top of Tower C). Pugilism Illustrated (on a toilet in Tower C) and two If you defeat the raiders guarding the three satellite towers here, then inside you'll find a bunch of drugs, guns, and ammunition, plus a copy of If you use the code with the satellite control terminal in the upper part of the tower, then you'll be able call down a missile strike from an orbital platform, and cause some pretty explosions in the nearby area.įort Constantine location entry for more information. Training Manual (on a table) and the "Highwater Trousers" activation code (on a wastelander). Please refer to that quest entry for more information.Ĭhinese Army: Spec.

The abandoned car fort appears only in Fallout 3. There is a random spawn location on the hillside next to this location that can spawn a single raider or 2 bloatflies. Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor at the car fort next to the northwestern bed.If the corpse is present, it may need to be moved to reveal the Stealth Boy. Stealth Boy in the same spot as the D.C.The corpse may not appear in all games, but the loot should still be there, albeit a bit harder to spot. Journal of Internal Medicine is located to the south of the car fort, past a wrecked train and an irradiated zone, in between some ant egg clutches, next to the corpse of a raider. There is an Enclave outpost that will be nearby after The Waters of Life. There are some mirelurks below the bridge. In the car fort, there are some dead raiders (whose corpses may disappear over time), a bed, six ammunition boxes, and a small crate containing random food, water, and chems. As the name suggests, it's a fort constructed of derelict cars on top of a highway.