The third sections have got been made to assist you to foresee future incompatibilities and to assist you recognize mods which are usually incompatibles, but are usually not listed as being such.Incompatible pluginsWhatever your load purchase, the plugins shown here will partially or completely disrupt either all ór some óf my AIs (please study the Common questions for even more information).All these plugins possess been checked and tested by myself and are usually shown in alphabetical order.Ĭontents Cities (New)All the brand-new cities are very much works-in-progréss, but they guarantee to end up being fantastic enhancements to the Skyrim globe.The exisiting cities, towns, villages and hamlets are usually the nearly all very subjective as it might arrive down to private taste, but the general idea for this task can be to possess areas that have expanded.

The initial section lists all the plugins which are usually recognized to end up being incompatibles with Immersive Residents while the 2nd section lists all the plugins which are known to be compatibles.

Immersive Residents Original Model: Compatibility SupportBelow are 3 areas. The changes to the inns are all optional. The author, missjennabee, also added player homes to the different holds and populated the new buildings with NPCs. Expanded Towns and Cities is a major overhaul mod for the minor holds, such as Falkreath and Dawnstar, but also for the smaller villages such as Kynesgrove and Rorikstead. (This is a complete rebuild of the LE version - Not a direct port.) So far includes Darkwater Crossing, Dawnstar, Riverwood and Rorikstead. Expands upon existing towns, villages, settlements, cities, etc.